Showcase your Products perfectly
s Every target audience has a different perspective on your products. Bring your services closer to your customers, partners, and employees like never before. VARIGAGE Connect ensures the right product presentation every time, whether in e-commerce shops, CRM, CPQ, or during personal customer meetings.
- 3D / AR / VR Visualization and Visual Configuration
- 100% SAP LO-VC or AVC Database
- Intuitive and Visual Product and System Configuration
Lack of Customer Commitment to the Product
- Too Many Standalone Solutions & Silos within the Company
Customer-centric processes are often not fully integrated into business processes. Manual workflows in product development and sales lead to delays, duplicate work, and a longer time-to-market.
- Customers do not understand the products
Inside-out thinking and the lack of market perspectives in the configuration process make it difficult for customers to identify with your product.
- No Customer-Specific Visualization
Without 2D or 3D visualization, it is especially difficult for inexperienced sales teams to engage customers. This also creates a disconnect at trade shows and virtual events.
- Longer Sales Phases and Margin Loss
The competition is not idle and may already be using modern 3D customer solutions. Customers are unnecessarily finding it difficult to identify with your product portfolio. More reliance on sales engineers and overall sales effort, including higher discounts, becomes necessary.

End-to-End Processes for Variant Manufacturers
Our E3 Cover Story focuses on the challenges and opportunities of end-to-end processes for variant manufacturers. Thinking through processes from start to finish seems logical, yet traditional ERP systems struggle with this. However, solutions do exist…
Connect your products and customers in a new way
networker variant supports you end-to-end in optimizing your processes and systems. With VARIGAGE Connect, our customers have the solutions they need to think fully end-to-end. From marketing and R&D, through manufacturing, to logistics and after-sales. VARIGAGE Connect empowers you to efficiently maintain your data and present it perfectly to each target audience.
Speak your customers' language with VARIGAGE Connect
Complex doesn’t have to be complicated! Accelerate the customer journey with a rich variant display that addresses the customer’s questions.

High customer engagement with your products
A large amount of the purchasing decision is made before the first contact. With VARIGAGE Connect, your products are directly visible and easier to understand.

Optimal product visibility for each target audience
Be where your customer is. Whether on the web, at trade shows, or in customer meetings. With VARIGAGE Connect, you always offer your customer the best view of your portfolio.

Optimized Product Marketing
Learn how your customers interact with the product. Identify potential gaps in the portfolio together. This enhances your market analysis and connects the customer with your brand.

Visual System Configuration
Plants and systems can be efficiently built and configured in a three-dimensional space.

Everything based on SAP AVC
Sustainable and long-term IT strategies require centralized data management. VARIGAGE Connect is built on SAP’s Model-Once-Configure-Anywhere (MOCA) principle.

Fully Integrated End-to-End Processes
By utilizing your central product knowledge in SAP VC, no system breaks occur, allowing you to access previously ordered configurations in service, e.g.
Get your own impression about the benefits of our VARIGAGE Connect solutions
In an initial meeting, we will gladly provide an overview of all our Connect solutions and address your specific requirements.